Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Who Are You??

Does anyone have information on this butt bandit???  We believe that he ran with the rump rangers at one time and we're not sure who's he's looking for or....... who he's waiting for??

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mel's Birthday

Nothing says Happy Birthday like new clothes, beautiful flowers and a new gun.  Happy Birthday to me! 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Travis Figure Skating

I snapped a picture of Travis Figure skating, but tried only to get the top of him and from behind because he's not wearing any pants and had a pink bow tied on his little bitty dinkie. That's what snow does to a person although I don't think he had much to start with in the first place.   Yeah, I'm learning to post.  Yahoo!!!  Boy does this open up a can of worms. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


 I'm excited...I figured out how to get on...yeh well Shawnee had to help give me some suggestions. Loved the video guys and everything on your blog. This is probably the last thing I will post since the family will soon be responding to comments made by each other and of course will make me feel inadequate...sooooo...I will just read the comments and enjoy everything...YAHOO